While I now get the milk for my goat milk soaps from a friend of mine who lives a few minutes from me, I love still raising a few goats! This year, only one of my three does was bred, and she had the first ever all red Boer goat kid I have had. He is so cute! And is just starting to get playful now and learning how to jump and play. He’s also decided that he likes being petted and will follow me all around the pen.:)
River and her yet to be named buckling
Spring is the season for growth and new life with flowers blooming, garden crops growing, fruit ripening, wildlife raising their young . . . .
A volunteer yellow squash plant in the compost pile
A peach on one of the trees
The blueberry bushes are loaded with berries this year and some are just beginning to ripen. Mmm . . . I can almost taste those fresh from the bush berries!
Daisy out grazing
I electric fenced in a large area for my goats early in the spring, and they are loving the wide diversity of lush browse and grass
Freshly laid eggs in the nest box
First time to have blossoms on the Elderberries that my sister and I planted a few years ago
Native Jewelweed growing. It is doing so well this year! Much better than last year when there was the drought. I have started harvesting it now and preparing it for use in our Jewelweed Soap (which is great for helping prevent and treat poison ivy!)
Bachelor Buttons back-lit by the setting sun
Love the blossoms on this old fashioned rose bush
A pair of Northern Cardinals built a nest on top of the rabbit cages, and it was a treat to watch first the nest being built, eggs laid, then hatch, and then the baby birds fly the nest (this one was the last to go and left shortly after the picture was taken.
Now spring is coming to a close and summer is about to begin . . . it has been a wonderful season, and I am looking forward to summer being the same!
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