Perhaps you, too, have struggled with persistent acne and even with trying one thing after another, you just can’t seem to get rid of it. Never fear!
While sometimes acne is genetic, many times it is the result of our diet, how we are caring for our skin, etc. Try these simple tips, and you just might find they help clear up your acne-prone skin:
1. Drink Water!
Yes, just as drinking water helps to hydrate your skin, water also helps clear your skin. But how?
Well-hydrated skin and drinking plenty of water aids your body in flushing waste and cleansing your skin cells of built-up waste which can cause acne. So . . . go get a glass of water and start drinking!
2. Reduce Sugar Intake
If you are like me, this could be a significant one for your skin. I find that if I have an increase in the amount of sugar consumed, acne increases. By reducing sugar, you will likely find your acne reducing as well. Plus less sugar is much healthier for you anyway!
3. Avoid junk food
This one speaks for itself. These foods aren’t good for your skin . . . or any part of your body for that matter.
4. Eat Healthy Foods
A healthy body means healthier skin. Simple as that. Fill your diet with healthy, natural, unprocessed, good for your skin foods, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables (check out these 10 super-good-for-your-skin foods.)
There could also be trigger foods for your acne. Pay attention to what you eat and see if you can find a correlation between breakouts and a certain food you are eating. If you suspect one, eliminate (or reduce) it from your diet for a time and see if your skin clears up.
5. Wash Acne Prone Skin Daily
Wash your face and other acne prone areas at least once daily. Using our natural Peppermint Tea Tree goat milk soap is excellent for reducing and treating acne as Tea Tree essential oil is a strong natural antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial. This soap is a successful favorite with many of our customers for both reducing and eliminating their acne.
6. Practice Good Hygiene and Habits
I.e. No picking. Keep your hands off your face!
7. Lavender Essential Oil
To aid in healing of breakouts, dab a bit of Lavender Essential Oil directly onto each spot once a day (depending on your skin sensitivity, the Lavender EO may need to be blended into a carrier oil such as Olive Oil.) Lavender EO is gentle and has antibacterial properties aiding in quicker healing of acne.
8. Minimize Stress
We all know how stress affects our moods, energy, etc., and it also affects our skin. Stress = Breakouts (oftentimes!) One good way to help reduce stress and to lift your mood is exercise. Go for a walk, a quick jog, anything to get your blood pumping. Not only does this help minimize stress, it is great for your overall health as well.
Dealing with acne isn’t easy, BUT, there are practical steps you can take to help clear up your skin . . . here’s to healthier, happier, and clearer skin!
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